ISO27001 Certification
We are often asked to make sure we source servers or products from companies that are ISO27001 (or ISO9001) certified. While it’s good to have a stamp to prove that a company has attained a level of standard I feel there is often confusion over what this certification means. Luckily, Alec Muffett, a friend […]
There is Jelly in the Cloud
Dogsbody Technology is a home run businesses. We don’t have offices to tie us down and can work anywhere we wish. While this is great for getting work done it does get a little lonely sometimes. For the last year we have attended Berkshire Jelly, a co-working meetup in Crowthorne where people that work […]
Servers have reputations too
Many have compared the Internet to the wild west. While there may well be cowboys it is certainly true that your server is viewed by the company that it keeps. It seems that people spend a lot of time looking after their own online reputation and very little looking after the reputation of their infrastructure. […]
Facelift for Dogsbody Hosting
It’s been over 7 years since we launched Dogsbody Hosting to the masses. Things have changed a lot in that time so we’re happy to have now completed a facelift for the site and are re-launching our new site today. Dogsbody Hosting started out being a hobby that paid for itself and slowly turned into a […]
What’s in a name?
Cloud computing is often regarded as a horrible buzzword that is thrown around at every opportunity. This may be true but it may also be better and easier than some of the alternatives. In this article we look at the differences between the three main types of cloud computing and why there is so much […]
Buzzword Bingo
As happens when you are a company registered on social media sites we occasionally get sent invites to advertise on their networks. We’ve always been proud to receive most of our business via referrals and word of mouth but when LinkedIn offers you $100 of free advertising it seems silly to say no. The results […]