Domain names & Primary DNS
Domain names are one of the most important ways of identifying yourself on the internet. They must be memorable enough and yet describe what the site is about.
We regularly register all the common Top Level Domains (TLDs) and Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) and can source speciality domains extensions such as .to, .im & .us.
DNS is the underrated lifeblood of the internet. Your webserver could be up, your e-mail online but without DNS no one can contact you. We are proud to host a powerful and diverse DNS setup for all of our domain hosting customers which includes…
- 15 points of presence at major Internet Exchange points
- 14 year 100% uptime history
- Average query resolution in 30 milliseconds or less
- Geographically separate servers
- All nameservers on separate network connections and data centres
- Anycast routing serves users from their nearest server
- MX Backup service so that mail won’t be rejected if you have an outage
- Full IPv6 support, serving of IPv6 records from IPv6 addresses
“Dan was employed to help simplify and outsource our DNS and Domain registration services.
This project has delivered great improvements; cost savings, ease of administration, extensive documentation, and reduced risk to the
business.He took great ownership of the project, led it through a difficult phase with ease, and the migrations of our key domains were seamless.
Dan’s excellent technical knowledge, worldly understanding, and thoroughness have made this change a great success. I would highly recommend Dan, as he is a joy to work with, and would be only too pleased to work with him again.”
– Ben Williams, Global IT Manager, Clearswift.